
What to Eat While Pregnant

A healthy diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains (though…

Pregnancy Grocery List

This grocery list has been compiled using multiple nutrition books and online sources. The most…

Financial Planning for Baby

The following is a checklist to get started in financial planning for the changes that…

20 Tips for a Greener Pregnancy

Today being green has become decidedly mainstream, thanks to a rising generation of parents and…

Choosing a Child Care Center

If you work outside the home, your choice of child care may be one of…

Hiring a Nanny or Babysitter

Many expecting couples have probably heard some version of this story. You are hanging out…

Childbirth Options: Natural Birth vs. Epidural (Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section)

Parents and moms-to-be have more options than ever before for delivering their baby. Do you…

Birth Plan

A birth plan is a document created by you that outlines your desires for what…

Packing for the Hospital

You will want to have a basic hospital bag packed at 35 weeks. However, do…

Practical Tips from Real Parents: Just for Dad (Surviving Pregnancy)

You are not going to find a bunch of dude talk and stereotypes at UPKiQ.…